Monday 21 January 2008

Notebook 053

The sea. So easily moved, as air is to breath yet more permanent than the child rocks that lay beneath. Crushed and formed by something so fragile it ripples in a breeze. Light cannot pierce to its depths, yet it travels through miles and miles of space to give us life. Adoration gives only a droplet that tides from me to you. We are as permanent as the bed of sand beneath us, yet they are so young as tiny worn down stones. We are water cycled through dinosaur, mountain and evian bottle. So long in time yet so unclear as detail. So vast it grounds more than being can physically cover in its lifetime or comprehend in genius intellect. It is this space, depth and vast quantity with such microscopic detail that is the droplet my dear, for this feeling drowns all the oceans on this planet without breaking tide or ripple in its own mass.

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